
Fees & Cancellations Fees Individual £60Couple £75Payment at the moment is by bank transfer. Cancellations and Re-arranging your Appointment If you are unable to keep or need to change your appointment, please give as much notice as possible.  If it is less than...

Meet Our Therapists

Meet Our Counsellors & Psychotherapists It is important that you find the right counsellor and psychotherapist for you. Below is some information on each of the therapists. However, you will get a better feel for the way your therapist works and the connection you...

Why Counselling and Psychotherapy

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Frequently Asked Questions Learn more about how therapy works How many sessions will I need? As the duration of counselling or psychotherapy is tailored to your individual needs, it is not possible to know in advance how many sessions will be needed. This is something...


The Edinburgh Institute for Counselling & Psychotherapy Professional services for Individuals and Couples With all the changes and uncertainties in the world and in our lives, our feelings of anxiety, worry and stress can increase and feel overwhelming. Sometimes,...